Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Art in the City

The Latin American Art Museum of Buenos Aires is a treasure trove of the region's artistic culture and we recently immersed ourselves in it. The Constantini collection was a favorite and it includes all mediums from paintings and sculptures to photograhps and engravings. I was itching to take pictures of the art but I respected the rules and resisted. So, naturally, I was so jealous when I saw a lady taking up close and personal shots of the Frida Kahlo self-portrait. Good old me, always following the rules. In any case, this here picture is just a photograph of the exhibit's brochure cover. We also particularly enjoyed the abstract and optical art pieces where you could hit a switch and lights and pieces on the art would move around as the artist intended. There was just so much to see and the museum has a nice little french cafe to rejuvinate you.

We definitely recommend this experience to anyone visiting Buenos Aires.

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